President Nelson called on everyone around the world to fast and pray again for relief from COVID-19. (A previous fast for relief from COVID-19 was held March 29, 2020.) This global fast will take place on Good Friday, April 10, 2020.
“Let us unite in pleading for healing throughout the world,” the prophet said. “Good Friday would be the perfect day to have our Heavenly Father and His Son hear us! … Let us prayerfully plead … that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened, and life normalized.”
The Philippines Area Presidency shared the following message:
"During his remarks at General Conference, President Russell M. Nelson invited members of the Church to join with people of all faiths in a Good Friday Worldwide Day of Fasting and Prayer for relief from the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope all members of the Church in the Philippines who are physically able to fast will act on President Nelson’s invitation and join together in calling upon our Father in Heaven’s mercy through fasting and prayer this Friday, April 10, 2020.
"Please invite family, loved ones, friends, and neighbors of all faiths to join with us as we seek God’s blessings upon this nation and entire the world."

When members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints fast, they go without food and drink voluntarily for a certain period of time for the purpose of drawing closer to God and requesting His blessings. Church members are encouraged to fast one Sunday each month (fast Sunday) and at other times as needed or desired. Latter-day Saints believe that fasting combined with sincere prayer can provide spiritual strength, closeness to God and preparation to receive His blessings.
Latter-day Saints may choose to fast for many reasons, among them: to worship God and express gratitude to Him (see Alma 45:1), to ask God to bless the sick or afflicted (see Matthew 17:14-21), to receive answers to prayer (see Alma 5:46), to gain strength to resist temptation (see Isaiah 58:6), to receive guidance in Church callings (see Acts 13:2-3; Alma 17:3) and for comfort during times of difficulty, sorrow or mourning (see Alma 28:4-6; 30:1-2).
Fast Sunday and Fast Offerings
The Church designates one Sunday each month, usually the first Sunday, as a day of fasting. Members are asked to go without food and drink for two consecutive meals, or approximately 24 hours. They are also asked to contribute the money that they would have spent on food for those meals to the Church, which, through its welfare system, uses to care for those in need. This money is called a fast offering. The Church uses the fast offerings to assist the poor and needy.