To help the City of Pasig in their fight against COVID-19, Latter-day Saint Charities (LDSC), the humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, donated relief supplies. This is part of the Church’s global relief efforts amid the pandemic.
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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
In a turnover ceremony held on 8 June 2020 at the Rescue Emergency Disaster (RED) Training Center, Pasig City, Elder Taniela Wakolo, General Authority Seventy of the Church, presented to Pasig City Mayor Victor Ma. Regis N. Sotto donations of 1,000 hygiene kits, 160 PPEs, 1,000 bottles of ethyl alcohol, 1,000 medical gloves, and 4,000 surgical masks.
Also included were 5,000 washable face masks manufactured locally by Beehive Clothing Philippines, the Church’s affiliated facility that has shifted temporarily to produce community face masks since April 2020.
Latter-day Saint Charities representative, Anthony John Balledos, graciously thanked Mayor Sotto for allowing Beehive Clothing to operate despite the enhanced community quarantine imposed in the city. The 400,000 masks that Beehive Philippines is aiming to complete by the end of June will be distributed to local residents in communities where they are needed the most through the partner government agencies and local government units.
In his remarks, Elder Wakolo shared, “With the many things that are affecting the world by this pandemic, we know that if someone is affected, it is not only the individual who is affected but also the families. We hope and pray that the distribution of these items will not only help individuals but also support families in a very big way.”
He also emphasized the Church’s strong belief in strengthening families, “As a Church, we teach individuals to build strong families. Strong families make a strong society and community, and even a stronger nation.”
Elder Wakolo added that Latter-day Saint Charities is not only helping address the needs in the country but is also working in 57 countries to assist families and individuals affected by the pandemic.
“These resources that are put together by the LDS Charities come from members of the Church worldwide,” Elder Wakolo explained. “[Every] first Sunday of the month, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints fast for two meals, the cost of which are donated to the Church. These donations will help the poor and needy all over the world, members or non-members, irrespective of religion or race,” Elder Wakolo said.
Furthermore, Elder Wakolo explained the reasons behind every charitable act Latter-day Saint Charities and the Church do, especially during times of crisis.
“The Savior Jesus Christ expects us to do this,” he said. “We have to love God, and our fellowmen, two of the great commandments. We are also expected to be anxiously engaged in a good cause-- and this is a good cause.”
He thanked Sotto on behalf of the leaders and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for allowing the city to work with the Church. He praised his successful and remarkable leadership. He also expressed anticipation to working with the mayor in the future as another chapel in Pasig will soon rise.
Mayor Sotto expressed his gratitude for the donations received. He assured that the supplies will be distributed to various hospitals and COVID-19 facilities in the city.
Also present in the event were Carlos Revillo, Jr., Latter-day Saint representative, and President Edmundo V. Jose, Pasig Philippines Stake (diocese) President.