Reva Tuozo from Cebu placed fourth in the Occupational Therapy Licensure Examination conducted by the Philippine Regulation Commission. The recent graduate of Velez College is the daughter of Francisco C Tuozo, Jr. and Ma. Remedios Tuozo. They are members from Talisay Stake (Diocese), Cebu, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Her response to praise for her recent accomplishment was, "I receive the greatest reward when a patient cries tears of joy and thanks me when I am able to help him do independently the simple things which he thought he could no longer do because of his disability,"
"Indeed Occupational Therapy adds life to years," she further explained. The same remark was made by her friend, Kent Siady, who placed 5th in the recently conducted Physical Therapy licensure examinations.

The desire to serve became a stong motivation for Reva even when she was still a young child:
"I remember giving my favorite food to a street child who asked for it while I was walking on the street. I was hesitant at first, but I felt she needed it more than I did. I felt happy being able to share and wanted to experience that same sweet feeling over again. I realized that through service to others, I can get that same feeling of joy."
"Growing up, I would hear counsels from my father and the one that stuck to my heart was a New Testament scripture which says Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
For Reva, the gospel has been a great help to her in achieving her goals. "With prayer, I am able to start and end my day right. Because of the gospel, I am reminded of the true essence of life here on earth. I am able to make better decisions because I seek the counsel of the Lord and strive to do what He wants me to do."