News Release

Relief Society General President Camille Johnson counsels Rizal Saints to “focus on the Savior”

Sister Camile N. Johnson, the Relief Society General President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and her husband, Brother Douglas R. Johnson, attended the Stake Conference of Morong Rizal Stake on Sunday, November 19, 2023.

Elder Steven R. Bangerter, the Philippines Area President, presided over the Stake Conference. He was accompanied by his wife, Susan. Elder Bangerter and Sister Bangerter emphasized their love for the Morong Rizal Stake members and bore them their testimonies of the Savior Jesus Christ.

Sister Johnson’s message during the Stake Conference focused on joy, quoting Hebrews 12:2: “[Jesus] who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,” explaining President Russell M. Nelson's insight into how Jesus Christ focused on joy to endure the excruciating experience of Gethsemane and the cross. She urged the Rizal Saints to understand that, like the Savior, they too can find joy amid unfairness, pain, and grief by centering their lives on Jesus Christ.

"Joy and pain are not mutually exclusive. Joy and grief are not mutually exclusive. Because the joy offered by our Savior is constant and abiding, we can have both of those things at the same time," Sister Johnson said.

Sister Johnson also urged the members to make time for the Lord in their lives daily, as she said, "This is prophetic counsel for us to focus our lives on the Savior, who is the source of our constant joy." Her message inspired a renewed commitment to members, reminding them to focus on Jesus Christ and find abiding joy amid constant challenges.

Sister Rizalina Hernandez, Stake Relief Society President from Teresa Ward, reflected on the roles of “Fellowshipping” and “Ministering” as how members can help one another focus their lives on the Savior and find joy.

“When we focus on Him [Jesus Christ] and make time for the Lord every day, we will surely have joy even in times of pain,” shared Trisha Bermudez, a young single adult from Morong Ward.

Norman Briones, a young single adult from Malaya Ward, also shared that as members, we can be instruments for others to find joy in Jesus Christ “simply through the small things we do for others.”

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