Sister Amy A. Wright, left, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, speaks during the Friend to Friend broadcast November 5, 2022. Primary General President Susan H. Porter, center, and Sister Tracy Y. Browning, right, Second Counselor are also on stage. Screenshot from the broadcast courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.This story appears here courtesy of TheChurchNews.com. It is not for use by other media.
By Mary Richards, Church News
Children, parents and Primary teachers are invited to watch a new Friend to Friend episode that will be made available online on Saturday, March 11.
The broadcast “We Are God’s Children” will feature activities, music and messages from the Primary General Presidency, according to a notice sent to local leaders.
Primary General President Susan H. Porter and her counselors, Sister Amy A. Wright and Sister Tracy Y. Browning, invite children and their parents and Primary leaders to watch.
This episode is the first of two Friend to Friend broadcasts planned for 2023, said President Porter, and will focus on divine identity — “Who we are as children of God,” she said, “and how we can come to understand that powerful truth.”
And it isn’t just a beautiful catchphrase, it is literal, Sister Wright added.

2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.“It is important for the children to know that they are literally spirit sons and daughters of God.
This is a familial relationship, and they are precious in His sight,” she said. “And He is very intentional, just as you would hope an earthly parent would be intentionally involved in their children’s lives.
Once someone understands that they have an eternal identity, then it is natural to know that they also have eternal purpose — which makes a huge difference in the lives of children, especially as they find themselves in different or difficult circumstances all over the world.
The content of the Friend to Friend is both inspirational and aspirational, said Sister Browning. “It helps children find things that help them confirm truth, teach doctrine, know and understand the doctrines of Christ. And there are also components that help them aspire to do and to act.”
The three Friend to Friend broadcasts in 2022 followed an explorer along the covenant path. Sister Browning said this year, new friends will be invited to come and tell stories.
“We are continuously seeking ways to engage children with teachings and content in the Friend to Friend. One of the ways is trying to help children see themselves in the programming,” Sister Browning said.
The Primary General Presidency will introduce the March broadcast, which will include a teenager who interacts with and helps teach the children, and a grandmother children will recognize from a previous program.
President Porter said another strength of the Friend to Friend is that it is joyful. “The principles are taught in a very engaging way, and children can learn patterns from the way the characters interact with one another,” President Porter said.
The creative team designed puppets using materials that many children will have at home, thus encouraging them to create their own characters to practice what they have learned.
How to Watch the Friend to Friend
The broadcast premieres on Saturday, March 11, 2023, at 10 a.m. Mountain Standard Time on Broadcasts.ChurchofJesusChrist.org and the Gospel for Kids YouTube channel.
The full broadcast and segments will remain available after March 11 to supplement gospel teaching at home or at church. The event can be enjoyed by children as they gather in families, in Primary or other church groups, or individually, explained a notice at ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
The episode can also be shared with friends and family who would like to know more about the gospel and how Heavenly Father loves His children.
The event was prerecorded in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Translated versions will be available in French, Italian, German, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin and Cantonese.
Videos will be available on demand on Broadcasts.ChurchofJesusChrist.org, Gospel Library and Gospel Media in the languages listed above.
English, Spanish and Portuguese versions will also be available on the Gospel for Kids YouTube channel (El Evangelio para niños in Spanish and Evangelho para Crianças in Portuguese).
Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company.