The Church in the Philippines started with a few people, then increased a thousandfold, and is now stretching toward a thousandfold more. Today, there are more than 816,438 members of The Church.
What are the reasons for such tremendous growth? The Lord said he would perform a “marvelous work and a wonder” in the last days (see Isa. 29:14); and indeed he has, as the Saints featured in this section joyfully attest. The peace of the gospel has touched their lives.
The following photos show the Filipino Latter-day Saint pioneers — faces and testimonies, activities and experiences—glimpses of a people who follow Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd. These photos are visual evidence of prophecies fulfilled: “And he gathereth his children from the four quarters of the earth; and he numbereth his sheep, and they know him, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd, and he shall feed his sheep, and in him, they shall find pasture” (1 Ne. 22:25).
Pioneer Members in Luzon
The first youth conference was held in 1966 at Los Banos, Laguna. Ruben Gapiz, one of the early members of the Church, was in attendance.
The first district conference in Luzon was held on January 13-14, 1962 at Clark Airbase.
Nenita Gapiz, one of the early members of the Church, gets baptized. Photo taken at the Grimm's residence on Baccod, Sta. Mesa

A make-shift baptismal font in Olongapo

Dano-og Family Pioneers of Olongapo District, now Olongapo Stake


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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |