The Welfare and Self Reliance Services (WSRS) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will launch the third season of Usapang SR for Every Juan on February 11 and 25, 2022, at 6 PM.
The show will focus on educational programs sponsored by the Church such as the Benson Scholarship and Perpetual Education Fund which was established in 2001 to help young men and women get a good education and become self-reliant after serving a mission for the Church.
The webinar will stream on the official Facebook public group of the said organization.
The bi-monthly one-hour show, which started in 2021 features various products and services of WSRS that showcase self-reliance efforts to help Church members.

The said event also features success stories, timely and relevant information on jobs, education, business opportunities, and other valuable pieces of information and resources that will aid Church members to develop their individual and family self-reliance plans.
Since the launch of self-reliance initiatives in the Philippines eight years ago, local Church leaders have taken huge responsibility for their sacred duty to help individuals and families attain better self-reliance.
These initiatives are made possible through the help of volunteers, facilitators, senior service missionaries, and other partners both and in and out of the church who willingly devote their time, effort, and talents as they heed the call to serve.
WSRS managers, deployed throughout the county, serve as resource and training support for local Church leaders in facilitating self-reliance programs in their respective areas.
As a department, WSRS continues to develop and link resources to members according to the needs of the people whom they serve.
Welfare and Self-reliance
The objective of the welfare program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to care for those in need while teaching principles that promote self-reliance and self-respect.
Donations from Church members provide funding for the welfare program. One Sunday a month, members of the Church go without two consecutive meals and give generously the money they would have spent on food to the Church.