Youth worldwide have the “singular” opportunity to receive counsel directly from a prophet of God as President Russell M. Nelson and his wife, Sister Wendy W. Nelson, speak at a worldwide devotional for youth on Sunday, June 3, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. mountain daylight time.
The broadcast, originating in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, will be transmitted live on the Church satellite system,, YouTube, and other digital channels.
A Unique and Singular Opportunity
“Sister Nelson and I are delighted to participate in this upcoming worldwide devotional,” President Nelson said. “What a unique and singular opportunity to address youth around the world, all at once! May I extend a personal invitation to every young man and young woman in the Church, and to our many friends of other faiths, to join us on June 3.”
Sister Nelson said she has observed for many years how much President Nelson loves the youth of the Church. “I have heard him pray for the youth, and I have been inspired by his efforts to help them sense how much the Lord loves them and trusts them,” she said.
“There is something undeniably special about this generation of youth,” President Nelson added. “Your Heavenly Father must have great confidence in you to send you to earth at this time. You were born for greatness! The days ahead will be breathtaking. Father in Heaven must have known that you would be just the people He needs to do remarkable things in the latter days—the days leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.”
“I hope the youth of the Church will see this event as a precious opportunity to hear the voice of the Lord speaking to them through His prophet,” said Sister Nelson. “I hope our time together will give each young man and each young woman a vision of who they truly are and who their Father in Heaven wants them to become.”

In a special video invitation to youth (see above), President Nelson invites youth to prepare for the broadcast by:
Reading from the Book of Mormon every day before the event.
Asking the Lord in prayer to “prepare your heart and mind to hear what He is eager to teach you.”
Local priesthood leaders should plan to watch the broadcast together with their youth at a date and time that best serves the youth in their units. Youth may also choose to watch the broadcast together with their family.
Provide For the Strength of Youth booklet
President Nelson has asked that every young woman and young man be offered a physical copy of the For the Strength of Youth booklet at the conclusion of the devotional.
Leaders throughout the world will need to have sufficient copies available. To aid in this effort, Distribution Services will send booklets to bishops and branch presidents throughout the world. If leaders do not receive these copies in time for the event, they can gather all available copies from existing stock in meetinghouses. If enough copies cannot be located, leaders should provide them as soon as possible after the event.
Although many youth access For the Strength of Youth online or in the Gospel Library, for this event President Nelson desires that each be offered a physical copy. He will explain why during the devotional.
Stake technology specialists
Stake technology specialists should refer to the broadcast schedule for languages and other details.
How to watch later
Shortly after the live event, a recording of the devotional will be archived on and on the Gospel Library app to be streamed or downloaded at any time.