As part of the celebration for the International Day of Happiness, I asked my friends on social media the question, "What makes you happy?" The responses I received surprised me, but after thinking about it, their answers make total sense.
At the very top of the list of things that makes them happy is their family. Whether it's summer outings, celebrating birthdays at home, baking with mom or attending Church together. It's amazing how we don't have to look far for happiness, it's right in our very homes.
One friend remarked, "I love witnessing true love in real life at home, with my parents. I am grateful we came here on earth into families. I know that each family is different, but I'm grateful that because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we are blessed with an assurance that if we stay faithful, we can be with our families forever."
I also noticed that many responses were about their relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They talked about scripture study, praying, going to the temple, and even marveling at God's creations. Joseph Smith said, "If men do not comprehend the character of God, they do not comprehend themselves."
A natural consequence of knowing we're children of God manifests itself in the way we interact with others. It's funny how if we want to be happy, instead of looking inward, we look outward and serve. I love how someone said that simply making other people smile makes them happy. When I started thinking about everything that has made me happy...I have been happier!
While the list of things that makes us happy goes on and on, I know that happiness is possible. So, what makes you happy?
Article: Valerie Tolentino