Sessions of the 185th Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be broadcast live from the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, beginning on Saturday, September 26, 2015. The sessions of general conference will occur at the following times, (all Mountain Daylight Time):
–Saturday, September 26, 6:00 p.m.: General Women's Session.
–Saturday, October 3, 10:00 a.m.: Saturday Morning Session.
–Saturday, October 3, 2:00 p.m.: Saturday Afternoon Session.
–Saturday, October 3, 6:00 p.m.: Priesthood Session.
–Sunday, October 4, 10:00 a.m.: Sunday Morning Session.
–Sunday, October 4, 2:00 p.m.: Sunday Afternoon Session.
The general women’s session is for women, young women and girls ages 8 and older, and the general priesthood session is for the men and young men of the Church ages 12 and older.

General conferences are conducted by the Church each spring and fall. Spring meetings are called annual conferences and those in fall, semiannual. The first general conference was held in 1830, the year the Church was organized.
Messages of Hope and Peace
Leaders of the Church deliver spiritual messages about a variety of subjects related to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Members of the Church approach general conference as an opportunity to be taught from inspired leaders.
During a past conference, President Thomas S. Monson said: “We are gathered together in locations around the world to listen to and learn from the brethren and sisters whom we have sustained as General Authorities and general officers of the Church. They have sought heaven’s help concerning the messages which they will present, and they have felt inspiration regarding what will be said.”

A Worldwide Audience
The Conference Center seats 21,000 people for each of the six live-audience sessions. Millions more around the world will view or listen in more than 80 languages to over 7,400 Church buildings in over 100 countries via television, radio, satellite and Internet broadcasts. The meetings are later translated into a total of 94 languages.
In addition to broadcasts in local Latter-day Saint chapels around the globe, the Church streams and broadcasts the conference live on LDS.org, BYUtv, BYUtv International, theMormon Channel on YouTube, Roku and Facebook.
Many also hear and participate in sharing general conference through social media. A flood of tweets with the #LDSconf hashtag are posted on Twitter during each of the six sessions. During the weekend, general conference is one of the most discussed topics on Twitter in the U.S. and sometimes worldwide during a given period.
Through its official social media channels, the Church will immediately post messages live from the conference in multiple languages, and it encourages others to share those messages.

Conference coverage, including photos, will be published throughout the conference onMormonNewsroom.org. Additional information will also be posted on the Mormon Newsroomblog. Journalists, bloggers and others can retrieve this material by going to those sites or following them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Google+ or by subscribing via email.