President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is visiting Latter-day Saints and others in the Pacific from May 16, 2019, to May 25, 2019. He and Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are visiting Hawaii, Samoa, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Tahiti.
A summary of their visits is below.
Hundreds of Hawaiian Latter-day Saints greeted the Nelsons and the Gongs at a meeting with young single adults, a reception with community leaders, and an evening devotional. Read more.
Downloadable video from Kona: B-roll | SOTs
President Nelson counseled Samoans to “please protect your children. Help them to know the Lord and love Him and keep His commandments and be free from the shackles of addiction and bondage.” He also met with Samoan community leaders, including the prime minister and the head of state. Read more.
Downloadable video from Apia: B-roll | SOTs
Prior to the devotional in Apia, President Nelson sat down for an interview with Mata‘afa Keni Lesa, editor of the Samoa Observer.
President Nelson reminded a capacity crowd of 8,000 Latter-day Saints at the International Convention Centre in Sydney of the power and importance of the Book of Mormon in their personal lives and in the growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Australia. Read more.
President Nelson met with New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern as he reached the midway point of his nine-day Pacific ministry visits to seven countries. Read more.
Downloadable video from Wellington: SOTs
President Nelson announced the location of the Church's newest tempel in New Zealand during a Tuesday evening devotional in Auckland. The Auckland New Zealand Temple, announced in October 2018, will be the country’s second temple. The Hamilton New Zealand Temple is currently closed for renovation. Read more.
Downloadable video from Auckland: B-roll | SOTs
Prior to the devotional, the prophet met with local leaders, including Auckland Mayor Phil Goff, who spoke briefly at a reception.
In Fiji, President Nelson reminded Saints of their divine potential. “What does [God] want [from us] for Himself?" President Nelson asked. "Fortunately, He has given us the answer. He said, ‘what I want most of all is for my children to be immortal and to have the gift of eternal life.’” Elder Gong encouraged the Fijian Saints to stand strong against the rising tide of illicit drugs entering their country. Read more.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |