On Wednesday, the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Russell M. Nelson, launched a new Spanish-language Instagram Account to broaden his reach to Hispanic Latter-day Saints around the world. This is the first Spanish-only social media account by any senior leader.
“Years ago, I had the desire to learn the language of my Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters,” President Nelson said in his first Instagram Reel. “Although my Spanish is not perfect, I desire to speak with you in your own language.”

President Nelson’s first timeline post reflects on the leader’s visit to Peru on October 20, 2018. As part of his Latin America ministry trip the following year, President Nelson and his wife Wendy visited tens of thousands of Latter-day Saints from Latin American countries including Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina and Brazil.
During these trips and prior to being called as Church President in January 2018, President Nelson has consistently shared his testimony of Jesus Christ in the Spanish language.
Latter-day Saints who speak Spanish or are from Spanish-speaking countries account for the global faith’s second-largest language group.