Full-time missionaries began working in the Philippines in 1961. When the Manila Philippines Temple was dedicated in 1984, 23 years later, the Church had grown from a handful of Filipino members to more than 75,000 Latter-day Saints, 15 stakes, and numerous districts, wards, and branches. Today the growth of the Church continues at a rapid pace, with the number of Filipino members exceeding 800,000. On 28 April 2021, the Church celebrated 60 years in the Philippines.
Mindanao: A Land of Promise
For almost a year, President Rose used his available missionaries to expand proselyting work on the Island of Luzon, in and around Manila and to replace missionaries who finished their labors in the three cities opened in the southern Philippines, but no other new cities were opened until May and December of 1968. Davao City on Mindanao, the second largest island, was opened 20 May 1968 followed by Tacloban City, on the island of Leyte in December 1968. Missionary work flourished, with new Groups and Branch’s being organized in previously opened cities.
In 1969, five more cities were opened on the Island of Mindanao; Cagayan de Oro, 30 April 1969, General Santos, 29 April 1969, Butuan, October 1969, Ozamis, October 1969, and Iligan on 19 November 1969. The same year, Dumaguete, the second city on Negros Island was opened on 19 November 1969. Ormoc City, the second city on Leyte, opened 8 December 1969, bringing the total of new cities opened during 1969 to seven. The following year, 1970 saw five new cities open in the southern Philippines. On Mindanao, Pagadian opened 21 February 1970, and Zamboanga on 17 April 1970. On Samar Island, Catbalogan opened 20 April 1970, and Roxas, a second city on Panay Island also opened 20 April 1970.

Cipriano Mumar and his family on the day of their baptism (29 June 1968) with Elder Lorenzo Bott and Elder Bruce Stone. They became the first members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Davao City.

First rented meetinghouse in Davao City.

Members of the Church gather after a sacrament service.

Locals pose for a picture during a talent show.

Members participate in a cultural activity.


A family poses in front of a lake before their baptism

Church members gather under a tent for an activity

Members of the Church hold sacrament meeting under a tent in Kidapawan

Young single adults participate in a multi-stake convention in Kidapawan
