Good health for the children of the world is a priority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The 2014 Measles Vaccination Project conducted during the whole month of September aimed to vaccinate children ages 5 years old and below with measles and oral polio vaccine.
In 2007 and 2011, LDS Charities (LDSC), the social arm of the Church, provided a donation to the Department of Health (DoH) for the purchase of Measles Rubella (MR) vaccine in support of their Measles Immunization Program conducted regularly every 3-4 years.
This year, LDSC turned over 65,000 markers and 20,000 vaccine carriers to DoH on August 18 in response and support for the project.
Mormon Helping Hands volunteers also joined in information dissemination efforts and as monitors for the RCA. A number of chapels all over the country were also used as vaccination posts.
The Department of Health campaign with the theme: "Ligtas sa Tigdas: Magkaisa. Magpabakuna. Tayo Na" reached 67% of children as September 27, 2014. Efforts will continue until the month of October in order to reach the 95 % target.
Mormon Helping Hands volunteers from Cagayan de Oro assisting in the vaccinations
Benson Misalucha representing Latter Day Saint Charities presents vaccine carriers and markers to DoH Secretary Ona
Elder Ardern with President Aquino during the Measles Campaign Launching at DoH
President Aquino thanks partners supporting the Measles Campaign
Eric Tai supports the Measles Vaccination Program
A child smiles upon receiving a toy from a Mormon Helping Hands volunteer
Information dissemination in Malolos, Bulacan
A baragay health worker assisted by a Mormon Helping Hands volunteer in Laoag
A sister missionary from Philippines Naga mission helping in the campaign by marking children who received the vaccine
Mormon Helping Hands praying before the start of the activities
A volunteer interacting with children at Liloan, Cebu.
Information dissemination in Iligan
A little girl enjoying her stuffed toy after getting measles shots
Mormon Helping Hands volunteers from Santa Cruz, Zambales
Mormon Helping Hands in action
Setting up the location for the event
A little boy from Baseco after his vaccination
A brave child getting the immunization
A Mormon Helping Hands volunteer from Quezon City Stake (diocese) preparing her RCA report
Health workers and Mormon Helping Hands in Malaybalay
Getting the vaccine carriers ready for shipping at Department of Health compund in Tayuman, Manila
Unloading the container van which holds 5 000 vaccine carriers at Department of Health compound in Tayuman, Manila
DOH Asec. Eric Tayag at the Ligtas Tigdas campaign in Baseco
DOH Asec. Eric Tayag and his associates with Manila Stake President, Robert Andrada
A PWD volunteer helps in giving out stuffed toys to children
2 drops of Polio vaccine for each child was given during the campaign
Mormon Helping Hands volunteers from Manila Philippines Stake arrived early to support Ligtas Tigdas
Mormon Helping Hands working with the Barangay
DOH Asec. Eric Tayag dancing to the latest hits with children and volunteers
Vaccination in Davao