News Release

General Officers Lead Child Nutrition and Maternal Care Drives in Pasig and Roxas Cities

Last November 17 and 18, 2023, Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson and Primary General President Susan H. Porter individually led Child Nutrition and Maternal Care Initiatives in two cities in the Philippines.

The events were part of the General Relief Society Presidency’s “Caring for Women and Children Through Improved Nutrition” initiative, which seeks to improve the nutrition of mothers and their children through local Church networks.

Sister Johnson and his husband Doug joined medical volunteers in Pasig City, where hundreds of children were assessed for nutrition, fed healthy meals, and given toys and school supplies. Local church leaders organized both projects in cooperation with the local government units and medical organizations in the area.

“I love how [local Latter-day Saint] stake leaders and particularly our Relief Society leaders have focused on collaborating with the community, so we’ve got medical volunteers here providing personal one-on-one counseling with mothers and their children,” said President Johnson.

One of the goals of nutritional screening in Pasig City is to inform parents of their children's dietary needs and to improve their perception and attitude toward food selection and preparation.

“I’m so pleased with the results of this Child Nutrition Screening that’s happening, and that’s absolutely what I saw today: very personal attention and focus on the mothers and their children,” President Johnson added.

Because of abundant cases of malnutrition in the Philippines, many children are suffering from stunting and moderate wasting – meaning many children are not getting the nutrients they need to grow and develop properly.

As this problem extends globally, earlier this month, the Church launched a global effort to nourish children and mothers and bring access to nutrition, immunization, and maternal and newborn care closer to those who need it most.

On the other hand, President Porter joined children in Roxas City, located in the Western Visayas Region of the Philippines, to observe and attend a similar Child Nutrition project.

“That was incredible to see mothers who were there at seven in the morning with their beautiful children wanting to know [about their health] because they all are striving to make sure that their children are growing with strong bodies and strong minds,” said President Porter.

Apart from mingling with parents and children who attended the Child Nutrition Drive, President Porter helped local Primary children assemble kits with healthy food, clothing, bedding and hygiene items for over two dozen students who could not see or hear.

“That was so fun for children to serve other youth who are not much older than themselves,” said President Porter.

“During the week the [students] come and live in a special home where they can receive schooling, but they need to have their own food, clothing, and supplies,” she explained. “Each of our Primary children were able to give three bags to each of these children. It was very joyful.”

The Child and Nutrition Programs, attended by President Johnson and President Porter, was part of their 10-day special assignment in the Philippines. Apart from these activities, the General Officers participated in several humanitarian efforts, attended several member devotionals and leadership trainings, and met with local and national civic leaders.

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