The 190th General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was unlike any other previous conferences in the history of the Church in the Philippines. The event was special for two reasons.
The first one was the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of Joseph Smith’s first vision of Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ—which marked the beginning of what the Church refers to as the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Just as President Russell M. Nelson promised in the last October General Conference, the 190th conference will not only be a unique event but will also have a central theme — namely, the Restoration.
Another reason the two-day event was special was due to digital participation. For the first time ever, the General Conference was rebroadcast on two national TV stations, GMA and ABS-CBN Teleradyo.
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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Some Latter-day Saints recount their experience after watching the rebroadcast in the comforts of their homes amid the COVID-19 lockdown and share their testimonies of faith and hope.
Nenita B. SuayBaguio, Barra Branch, Lucena Stake

In this time of uncertainty, watching the rebroadcast of General Conference 2020 on GMA-7 was truly a relief for me. Relief from all the worries from this pandemic that is troubling not only our country but the whole world. It gives me comfort to my troubled heart and gives peace and assurance to my mind that the chosen leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are [truly called of God]. My family and I were so blessed that we were given the opportunity to know the [restored] Gospel of Jesus Christ and be a part of reaping the blessings of the restoration. We are so grateful for the Prophet Joseph Smith who heeded the Father’s call to Hear His Son, Jesus Christ. We are thankful, too, for Prophet Russell M. Nelson for preparing me and my family, not only spiritually but also temporarily. I am grateful for Heavenly Father for giving His only Son Jesus Christ who atoned for the sins of all mankind, even mine.
Sister Aurora, Lucban Ward, Lucena Stake

I am so blessed that while watching the General Conference I felt the love of my Savior Jesus Christ. He is molding me to be a daughter of God and is preparing me to be strong no matter what happens. I am so blessed to hear and participate in this April 2020 General Conference. May we be like Him and remember His words through our prophet and apostles.
Rosel Nadera, Lucena 3rd Ward, Lucena Stake
I truly testify that Heavenly Father loves us because he called a prophet to continually guide His children like what Amos said in Chapter 3:7, ‘Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealed his secret unto his servants, the prophets.’
Corazon Sanchez, Lucena 3rd Ward, Lucena Stake
I was inspired by the message given by Sister Bonnie H. Cordon on how we can light the world. ‘Let your light so shine before this people that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.’ This invitation coming from the Lord has inspired me to become more Christlike. This has inspired me to become more loving and compassionate to others. Despite the seeming weakness of my own light, this invitation reminds me that he will bring Light if I also tell others about him.
President Russell M. Nelson ended the morning session by reading the new proclamation and by leading the Hosanna shout. By waving our hands and shouting hosanna as instructed by President Nelson, I felt the truthfulness that he is a true prophet of God.
Brother & Sister Cornejo, San Pablo 2nd Ward, San Pablo Stake

Watching the April 2020 General Conference was a truly remarkable and unforgettable experience. We’re grateful to have inspired leaders who guide us these latter days. The new “Home Centered, Church-Supported Curriculum” paved the way for members of the Church to still be spiritually nourished in the face of this COVID-19 pandemic. As Elder David A. Bednar quoted, “Our homes are the ultimate setting for learning, living, and becoming. Making our homes sanctuaries wherein we can stand in holy places, is essential in these latter days.
Calingasan Family, San Pablo 5th Ward, San Pablo Stake
Our Father knows that when we are surrounded by uncertainty and fear what will help us the very most is to hear His Son.
Sigeza Family, Lopez Stake

After my family and I watched the General Conference, I felt the pure love of our dear Heavenly Father and our beloved Savior Jesus Christ. If we hear Him, we will overcome all the trials and challenges that we are facing now. Let us all hold on to the iron rod and never let go. May each one of us continue to ponder and study the Book of Mormon for us to have the guidance every day and to teach us what we should do to increase our spiritual capacity as we receive personal revelation. Take heed to the voice of our loving and living prophet, President Russell M. Nelson. I testify that Jesus Christ is our Savior, Redeemer, Master, and friend. He loves each one of us. He atoned for our sins. If we repent, our lives will change. Let us show kindness, humility, patience, and forgiveness to those people who have wronged us. Always remember how Jesus Christ suffered. Let us obey Him and align our goals to God's goal.
Carlita Torres Miranda, Binan Ward, San Gabriel Stake
I felt so much gratitude for the sacrifice of our Prophet Joseph Smith Jr. in helping restore the [restored] true Church, for his faithfulness in bringing forth the Book of Mormon, and for the blessings we now receive as members of the Church. I pray that I will honor his legacy by following his examples.
Mae Princess Liahona Tan, Makati East Stake

I am delighted to share our general conference photo and my feelings about the conference. What an incredible conference we had this past weekend. It was made even more special and unforgettable for everyone. It was amazing to feel the Spirit of prophecy and also the Spirit radiating from our dear Prophet Nelson and his associates at the same time. My husband and I are so grateful for our prophet and leaders and their inspiring words. Truly, the Lord loves our effort because it shows how we deeply and sincerely love Him at the most difficult times. General Conference helps us to have greater peace of mind and comfort during this time of COVID-19 pandemic.
Monette Danoog, Olongapo Ward, Olongapo Stake
"Today we watched the General Conference rebroadcast on our small and beaten down TV, with the help of old wires to get reception. We have watched the sessions live a few days ago but we wanted to see it again and be part of the historic moment for the Filipino Saints.
"Astig!" [cool!] as my daughter called it. I opened up my Conference notebook and started writing my impressions as I watched. It was truly a spiritually defining moment for me when it got to the part where the choir sang "Joseph Smith's First Prayer." The words permeated my mind and my heart. In the beginning, I was singing along, then I felt a lump in my throat. I closed my eyes and listened. As the words rang through the air, I could envision that very moment at the grove.
I felt the Father speaking to me as though I was there when He said, "This is my beloved. Hear Him." "Oh, how sweet the word." "Oh, what rapture filled his bosom, for he saw the Living God." Oh, how blessed was he.' This has brought deeper appreciation and gratitude for our dearest Prophet Joseph Smith. I feel, all the more, the love that our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ have for us. Surely the Father knows each of us and attends to us, personally and individually. Christ is our mediator. 'Oh, what rapture filled my bosom for I know the Living God." I love the Savior, the Master Healer. I hear Him.