This upcoming Sabbath day, Latter-day Saint youth around the world are invited to gather for the first-ever global youth testimony meeting to bear witness to the Savior Jesus Christ.
Here in the Philippines, the Philippines Area Presidency, through a letter sent out to leaders nationwide, invites Filipino young men and women and their leaders to gather at their designated local meetinghouses at 7:00 PM on Sunday, 22 October 2023, to hear pre-recorded testimonies of President Russel M. Nelson, Young Men General President Steven J. Lund and Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman.

The video may be viewed on The Church of Jesus Christ in the Philippines YouTube page.
Following the video presentation, the youth are encouraged to share their testimonies of the Savior with one another.
“As youth gather and share locally, the world will be filled with testimonies borne of Jesus Christ,” the Area Presidency said in their October 4 letter.
“We believe that by participating in this unique event, youth throughout the Philippines will feel more connected to their peers worldwide and, more importantly, to our Savior. We hope you will support and be a part of this memorable gathering,” they added.
Below is a suggested outline for this meeting:
- Opening musical number and prayer by youth
- View the pre-recorded message (video will be about 15 minutes long)
- Testimonies from youth
- Closing prayer
- Post-event gathering, as desired.
Further, the event is an opportunity to emphasize this year’s youth theme, “I Can Do All Things Through Christ,” and for youth to share with their peers how their testimonies of Jesus Christ have grown over the past year.
To maximize this opportunity, an art contest is ongoing at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – Philippines Facebook page. Details on the art contest may be found here.