The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has called 8 new mission presidents to serve in the Philippines Area, effective July 2017. The new mission leaders, and their wives, will serve for three years. A mission president is called to direct the missionary efforts of the Church in a specific geographic area.

Philippines Angeles Mission
Robert Clark Johnson, 65 and Vicki Caufield Mason Johnson, four children, Newport Ward, Bellevue Ward, Bellevue Washington South Stake. They are succeeding President Scott B. Clark and Sister Sandra Clark. President Johnson served as a stake president and is a former bishop, high councilor, ward Young Men president, seminary teacher, ward mission leader, and missionary in the Philippines Manila Mission. Retired president, Media Partners Corp. Born in Downey, California, to Moses Perry Johnson and Gladys Louise Hamlet Johnson.
Sister Johnson served as a ward family history consultant, stake Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Relief Society and Young Women president, family history center director, and missionary in the Philippines Manila Mission. Born in Boise, Idaho, to Robert Stephan Caufield and Betty Eliza Nelson Mason.

Philippines Cebu Mission
Abenir Valera Pajaro, 53 and Valerie Sibala Antenorcruz Pajaro, three children, Quezon City 1st Ward, Quezon City Philippines Stake. They are succeeding President Terry C. McCurdy and Sister Judy McCurdy. President Pajaro served as an Area Seventy, stake president, bishop, high councilor and stake Young Men president. Area human resource manager, Philippines Area Office. Born in Vigan, Philippines, to Jose Acas Pajaro and Editha Afuan Valera.
Sister Pajaro served in a ward Primary presidency, stake Young Women president, ward Relief Society and Primary president, stake employment specialist, institute teacher, ward choir director and Church-service missionary. Born in Cebu City, Philippines, to Guillermo Jayme Antenorcruz and Alma Dael Sibala Antenocruz.

Philippines Davao Mission
Pedro Ugaddan Adduru, 59, and Carmela Belleza Yumul Adduru, four children, Bagbag Ward, Quezon City Philippines Stake. They are succeeding President Efren M. Lamoglia and Sister Marissa Lamoglia. President Adduru served as an Area Seventy, stake president, stake presidency counselor, mission presidency counselor, district president, bishop and missionary in the Philippines Davao Mission. Chairman of the board, Pace Electro Systems Inc. Born in Tuguegarao, Philippines, to Carlos Macarubbo Adduru and Engracia Talosig Ugaddan Adduru.
Sister Adduru served as a temple ordinance worker, ward Young Women president, seminary and institute teacher, Gospel Doctrine teacher and Relief Society chorister. Born in Quezon City, Philippines, to Lazaro Dizon Yumul and Clarita Belleza Yumul.

Philippines Manila Mission
Michael John Fermanis, 54, and Raelinda Maxine Hemi Fermanis, seven children, Titahi Bay Ward, Porirua New Zealand Stake. They are succeeding President Creg D. Ostler and Sister Sondra Ostler. President Fermanis served as a bishop, mission presidency counselor, stake president, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, institute teacher and missionary in the Australia Melbourne Mission. Registrar, Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand. Born in Sydney, Australia to Algy Fermanis and Ena Ellen Dinse Fermanis.
Sister Fermanis served as a Primary teacher, ward Primary president, ward Relief Society and Young Women presidency counselor, institute teacher and Sunday School teacher. Born in Taumaranui, New Zealand, to Aphai Hemi and Apikara Smith Hemi.

Philippines Olongapo Mission
Ruel Estoy Lacanienta 64, and Pamela And Elwood Lacanienta, four children, DeSoto Ward, Dallas Texas Stake. They are succeeding President Dennis V. Dahle and Sister Sheralyn Dahle. President Lacanienta served as a ward clerk, area executive secretary, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, bishopric counselor, seminary teacher and missionary in the Philippines Mission. Retired financial analyst, American Airlines. Born in in Cebu City, Philippines, to Ruben Moscaira and Estelita Salut Estoy Lacanienta.
Sister Lacanienta served in a ward Young Women presidency, as an assistant area executive secretary, stake Young Women presidency counselor, seminary teacher, and stake LDS social services representative. Born in Butler, Pennsylvania, to William Warner Elwood and Patrician Ann Dougherty Elwood.

Philippines Quezon City North Mission
Stewart Fenton Hughes, 61, and Bonita Cutler Hughes, eight children, Windsor 6th Ward, Orem, Utah Windsor Stake. They are succeeding President Kim C. Bertin and Sister Jennifer Bertin. President Hughes served as a Sunday School teacher, stake president, stake presidency counselor, bishop, branch president and missionary in the England Leeds Mission. Chairman and chief executive officer, Unicity International. Born in St. George, Utah, to Fenton Austin Hughes and Joyce Hunt Hughes.
Sister Hughes served as a stake Relief Society secretary, ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary Counselor, Young Women adviser and Cub Scout leader. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Ivan Burton Cutler and Beth Ashton Cutler.

Philippines San Pablo Mission
Douglas Keith Davies 59, and Barbara Kimber Davies, four, children, Copper Hills 2nd Ward, West Jordan Copper Hills Stake. They are succeeding President Bart A. Mangum and Sister Renae Mangum. President Davies served as a ward Young Men president, stake president, high councilor and missionary in the Florida Tampa Mission. Retired vice president of engineering. Born in Colorado Springs, Colorado, to Keith Ronald Davies and Patricia Ann Singleton Davies.
Sister Davies has served as a seminary teacher, stake Relief Society secretary, ward Young Women president, Gospel Doctrine teacher, temple ordinance worker and missionary in the Argentina Buenos Aires North Mission. Born in Caldwell, Idaho, to Charles Junior Kimber and Leah Pettingill Kimber.

Philippines Tacloban Mission
Eduardo Mendoza Argana, 53, and Ma. Cecilia Monasterial Sacabon Argana, four children, Muntinlupa 1st Ward, Las Pinas Philippines Stake. They are succeeding President Wayne E. Maurer and Sister Tracy Maurer. President Argana served as a stake presidency counselor, bishop, stake Young Men presidency counselor, ward Young Men president, ward mission leader, and missionary in the Philippines Davao Mission. Manager Corporation of the President. Born in Muntinlupa City, Philippines, to Ernesto Dela Cruz Argana and Teresita Gravador Mendoza Argana.
Sister Argana served as a seminary teacher, stake Relief Society secretary, ward Young women presidency counselor, Sunday School teacher, and missionary in the Philippines San Pablo Mission. Born in Ligao City, Philippines, to Jose dela Fuente Sacobon and Elena Monasterial Sacabon.