UPDATED: March 9, 2020, 7:30 p.m. MDT
Recent concern regarding the COVID-19 (coronavirus) has generated much public attention and has caused significant change in travel, personal interactions and in guidelines prescribed by health officials for how to address the growing concern.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been carefully monitoring these developments and is taking steps in several areas to provide assistance, help missionaries be safe and effective, address concerns regarding member safety and plan for upcoming events. These steps are being taken to comply with best practices or direction provided by the public health organizations of various national governments.

Missionary Work
All missionaries, regardless of where they are serving, have been reminded to follow basic preventative health practices to avoid illness. It is important to note that young missionaries are not generally considered to be at risk for serious complications from the coronavirus.
Missionaries who remain in those countries where COVID-19 is of particular concern will take precautions to stay healthy, including staying in their apartments as much as possible, avoiding personal interaction with other people and teaching through phone calls or other technology. Mission Presidents are communicating with families to let them know of these precautions and keep them updated on local circumstances.
The Church is taking steps to reduce the number of missionaries in areas where the virus is of particular concern. These steps will give mission presidents more flexibility to ensure missionaries are effective and safe and that there is adequate space to house missionaries if they are moved out of cities where there are greater concerns about infection.
These steps apply to the following missions:
- Cambodia Phnom Penh Mission
- Italy Milan Mission
- Japan Fukuoka Mission
- Japan Kobe Mission
- Japan Nagoya Mission
- Japan Sapporo Mission
- Japan Tokyo North Mission
- Japan Tokyo South Mission
- Korea Busan Mission
- Korea Seoul Mission
- Korea Seoul South Mission
- Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Mission
- Singapore Mission
- Thailand Bangkok Mission
Cambodia, Singapore, Thailand: All prospective missionaries preparing to serve in these missions or who come from those countries will either postpone their start date or receive a temporary assignment. Additionally, all missionaries serving in these missions who were nearing the end of their service have returned home early. All senior missionaries and any young missionaries with chronic health problems have also returned home or haven been temporarily reassigned to a mission in their home countries. Some senior missionaries will continue to support the mission remotely.
Japan: All missionaries preparing to serve in Japan will either postpone their start date or receive new temporary assignments.
Korea: All missionaries who are not native to Korea have left that country and returned home before departing for new temporary assignments in their home countries. This is in addition to those missionaries who were nearing the end of their service and those who had chronic health problems, who had already returned home early. All missionaries leaving the country had already been in self-isolation for some time and had avoided contact with others outside their apartments. Prospective missionaries preparing to serve in Korea or who come from that country will either postpone their start date or receive a temporary assignment.
Mongolia: All missionaries who are not native to Mongolia have been temporarily transferred from that country. Those who are nearing their scheduled release date have returned home early, while the rest have received new temporary assignments.
Each missionary who returns home will be asked to self-isolate for 14 days following instructions from the World Health Organization and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Temple Worship
Several temples have been closed because of concern for the workers and patrons. A large number of temple workers and patrons are from an older demographic, which has a higher susceptibility to complications from the coronavirus. These closures are in accordance with the recommendations of local public health agencies. The following temples have been temporarily closed:
- Fukuoka Japan Temple
- Rome Italy Temple
- Seoul Korea Temple
- Sapporo Japan Temple
- Seattle Washington Temple (The governor of Washington has requested that no large gatherings take place.)
- Taipei Taiwan Temple
- Vancouver British Columbia Temple
(Previously closed for renovation)
- Hong Kong China Temple
- Tokyo Japan Temple
Under the direction of Area Presidencies, some regions have limited or temporarily suspended member gatherings, including Sunday worship. This has included shortened Sunday worship in some areas (sacrament meeting only) or canceling of worship services in others.
These changes are made at the direction of the Area Presidency, which considers the conditions in the area, guidance or restrictions given by government authorities, and the input of local priesthood leaders and the area medical advisor. The Area Presidency also counsels with their leaders in the Presidency of the Seventy and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
In circumstances where members are unable—for extended periods—to gather for worship, they learn, teach and partake of the sacrament as families, as authorized by local priesthood leaders.
Limiting or temporary suspension of worship services is occurring in the areas listed below. This list may not be comprehensive, as conditions around the world are rapidly changing. Members with questions are counseled to ask their local bishop or stake president for specific direction for their congregations. These locations include the following:
- Hong Kong
- Japan
- Korea
- Seattle, Washington area (Due to the Governor’s request that no large gatherings be held, no stake conferences or priesthood leadership councils will be held. Smaller gatherings, such as a sacrament meeting, are continuing in some areas. Members should follow the counsel of their local priesthood leaders.)
- Mongolia
- Germany
- Italy
- U.K. (One congregation is suspending services for several weeks while other U.K. congregations continue to meet as normal.)
As our members around the world meet and interact with one another, we ask them to be mindful of current circumstances and to be considerate of their health and that of others as they determine whether to participate in public gatherings, including at Church.
Preventative Measures
For all Church members, there is wisdom in taking steps to remain healthy during this cold and flu season. These precautions include*:
- Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water or clean them with an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick (this may include avoiding shaking hands or other customary greetings).
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Maintain at least three feet (one meter) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
- Follow public health agency recommendations for using a face mask.
*Based on recommendations from the World Health Organization and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Local leaders should encourage members to follow these guidelines.
Church Workforce
Employees of the Church should follow the guidelines provided here and any other direction provided by their area presidency.
General Conference
In a recent announcement to all Church members, the First Presidency has provided new guidelines for participation in General Conference.
Providing Aid
Since its initial donation of medical masks, goggles and gowns to China, the Church has received numerous requests for similar assistance. Those requests are being evaluated and addressed as the Church is able to do so, although our ability to supply and deliver those products is limited by a global demand for such resources.
We are grateful for the many expressions of support and concern that have been shared. The Church will continue to follow developments closely and make any further adjustments as needed. We continue to pray for all those impacted by the virus.